illustrations for coffee packaging

Illustrations for a special coffee label developed in 2020.


Esse projeto de ilustrações foi desenvolvido para a Etama, uma marca fictícia de cafés especiais desenvolvida pela Távola Design.

A inspiração das ilustrações vieram do Movimento Modernista Brasileiro, principalmente do período antropofágico em que brilhou a artista Tarsila do Amaral.

O Objetivo das ilustrações é valorizar e reafirmar a riqueza da cultura brasileira, além de estar presente no dia a dia dos cidadãos que amam tomar um excelente cafezinho.


This illustration project was developed for Etama, a fictional specialty coffee brand developed by Távola Design.

The inspiration for the illustrations came from the Brazilian Modernist Movement, mainly from the anthropophagic period in which the artist Tarsila do Amaral shone.

The purpose of the illustrations is to value and reaffirm the richness of Brazilian culture, in addition to being present in the daily lives of citizens who love to have an excellent coffee.

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This illustration project was developed to be inserted into Etama coffee packaging, a fictional brand developed by Távola Design.
